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Internet Solutions with GnomeHost

We offer internet services ranging from internet security to local networking. See how Gnome can help your business.



We make getting started simple. Pick your domain name. Pick your plan. You’re done. It’s that easy.

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Virtual LAN

Your name is your brand. With GnomeHost Brand Protection, we help you safeguard your intellectual property.

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Dynamic DNS

We conduct routine off-site data backups to ensure that if anything goes wrong, your data is safe.

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Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

allows the user to secure their connection to another network. VPNs are used for a variety of reasons. These include privacy when surfing the web, securing on public wifi networks, unlocking geo-restricted content.

When you are connected to the internet through a VPN, your internet is routed through another network, and your data is encrypted, through a secure connection. Due to your internet traffic being routed through a specialized server, you are protected from geo-blockers, hacker attacks, data selling, and even identity theft.

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Virtual Local Area Network (LAN)

A Virtual LAN is a network of linked computers or points, that can securely communicate with each other. Businesses utilise V-LANS to securely transmit data as if they were all on the same physical network.

V-LANs are great for small offices and businesses, who wish to increase internal security, and protection of their intellectual property. Additionally, V-LANs allow better management of what users are able to do on the network. With a V-LAN, businesses can separate data, seperate users, and integrate efficient communication, such as VoIP (Voice over IP).

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Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS)

DNS stands for Domain Name Server, and is a service that maps domain names to IP addresses. Most people never interact with a DNS, but it’s incredibly useful. It essentially allows you to write a website into your browser, and it will turn that into something your computer actually understands, which is an IP address.

DDNS stands for Dynamic Domain Nerver. Confused? Well, a regular DNS is static. That is, it connects to one IP address only. This can be an issue for some home networks, as Internet Service Providers (ISPs) often create dynamic public IP addresses for their users. A D-DNS dynamically responds to changing IP addresses, to maintain connectivity to the internet. If you're experiencing connectivity issues, or your business relies heavily on a stable connection, a D-DNS could be worth exploring.

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