6 SEO tips that every small business should know.


Creating SEO for a small business can be tough.

It can be daunting knowing where to start. We’ve compiled a short list of tips you can use to get up and running on your SEO adventure.

1. Know your audience.

This seems painfully obvious. However it is often overlooked when it comes to SEO. Learn everything you can about who is visiting your website, and make sure the content is working for them. Google analytics is a great tool for this, which can tell you the demographics, behaviour, technology and much much more.

2. Create a user profile.

You can’t make sure the right people are seeing your content, if you don’t know who those people are. Focusing on a few user profiles helps ensure that your SEO and messaging remains consistent and targeted. It can change, and should, but to start with, knowing your audience is key.

3. Research your keywords.

Once you know who is visiting your site, you can begin to craft content that is relatable and catchy. There are a host of keyword optimizers available for free on the web, who can get you started on this journey. At this point, if you know who your audience is, and what words to use, you’re well on the way to great SEO.

4. Utilise content.

Creating interesting or educational content will ensure visitors return to your site over and over again. A great way to develop relevant content is through Google analytics, which will be able to tell you the types of things your current visitors are into. Content is a fantastic way to not only ensure repeat visitors, but also engage new prospects.

5. Optimise your pages.

This can be particularly difficult for non-web-developers. However we have a few tips to get you going. Optimising your page begins with great content, but without proper site structure, you’re wasting it. This is a massive part of SEO, and includes how your site looks, feels, and operates. When you’re building your site, as yourself, is your mobile friendliness, page layout, or load times attracting people to your site, or potentially pushing them away. If the answer is the latter, make the changes.

This topic is central to SEO, so we wrote this longer post about page optimization. read our deepdive here.

6. Remain agile.

All of the above assume you know who is visiting your site, and what they like. That’s great when it works. However, if your SEO is not producing results, you have to be prepared to change things up. Go back to the start, play with your user-profile and keyword choice. Being successful in the age of technology can be difficult, but if you’re willing to roll with the punches, you’ll be able to create SEO that works for you and your users.

Some helpful content to contine your SEO adventure: